2020 was a doozy, and 2021 isn't looking to back down at all. For those out there in the world where violence and hatred threaten you, please stay safe. Our hearts are with you every moment, hoping that the world can become the more compassionate place that you deserve.
As for what we've been up to.. A LOT!
We Released Our First Adventure
Terazul Returned is an adventure for Tier 1 heroes that focuses on some classic D&D elements like traps, kobolds, magic, and dragons! The adventure includes a halfling village that can be easily dropped into any "classic fantasy" setting with buildings, NPCs, and roleplaying activities. The adventure takes place during a fictional holiday called "Soulstice", which is meant to evoke similarities to Halloween. Whether your introducing new people to D&D 5th Edition, looking to spice up your usual campaign with a Halloween one-shot, or just want an adventure that evokes that classic D&D feel for low level adventurers, this is the one for you! It also includes rules for running the adventure for two tables at the same time - great for local game store events or big parties! (Remember those?)
You can find our first adventure Terazul Returned over at the DMs Guild!
Playtesting and Development Continue
We hit a small snag getting art together for Four Seasons, but we are back up and running! We've also been continuing to playtest The Gauntlet and feel like we're getting pretty close to having that one ready to go. Overall, great news for the adventures in our current development pipeline. If things continue at this rate we should have some great news for this year's favorite gaming convention. ;)
New Year, New Us
We've had some solid successes so far, but one thing that we've neglected is our front-facing assets. Our website is fine, but the stock imagery has never quite hit that "D&D sweet spot" we would like it to. We've also been hoping to find more folks interested in developing content that matches our goals: traditional D&D content with unexpected twists!
Well it looks like we struck gold on both fronts. It's a little too early to dive into details, but we have some super great stuff happening. (There's even a little sneak peak with the banner image for this blog post!!!)
So stay tuned, stay safe, and roll well!